Ready to Roll

The 2017-2018 school year has begun and we are rapidly receiving applications for the Nourish the Need Food Backpack Program. When we started this program in 2014, data suggested that the students we targeted were in need of food. In August 2017, the United Way of Greater Atlanta confirmed that 1.3 million children living in the Atlanta 13-county region, almost half a million children live in communities with low to very low child well-being.
The United Way of Atlanta child well-being index is a set of measures to assess how well children and families are doing and enables the United Way to track their progress. The child well-being index includes seven (7) children, three (3) families, and four (4) community measures. More relevant, the total regional well-being score is 58.9, however, the children in our program have a child well-being score of 39.1, the second lowest in the 13-county region. The Pathway to Child Well-Bring report can be found at:

Land of Promise is ready to roll for the current school year. Over the summer, we stocked our shelves and adjusted operational systems to effectively serve our deserving students in the program. However, the Pathway to Child Well-Being has challenged us to strategically adopt measures to become more effective in serving children in need of food. We have a lot of work to do and we cannot do it without your support.
“Let’s All Eat Together”