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Land of Promise

Let's All Eat Together Blog

How Are We Doing?

Measuring non-profit outcomes is not just about attracting resources to our nonprofit; it's about the mission. The mission of Land of Promise (LOP) is to bring awareness, inspire hope and develop programs to address food inequities nationally and internationally. We know how to evaluate our performance but identifying and communicating impacts are also important activities for LOP. This is the performance area where I need your help and it will only cost you a few moments of your time and your honest opinion.

Twenty -four months ago, I started blogging to bring awareness to food insecurity, to create an on line presence and to keep you up to date on the industry. I know that this is a boring subject that most people don’t think about or care about. However, I also believe that no one wants to be hungry or want others to struggle with food insecurity. In addition to blogging, we have also shared with you our Nourish the Need Food Backpack Program. There are metrics tools available to evaluate our program, but we believe there is nothing better than your feedback - positive or negative. God gave me this mission and I am 100% committed to addressing and eliminating food insecurity. And now it is time to evaluate the progress of Land of Promise.

I was at Bethune Elementary School the other day and spontaneously asked Ms. Sherman, Professional School Counselor, to evaluate the program. She shared that the students enjoy receiving the food and the programs is beneficial for their students (see below). In another instance, I was approached in the hallway at Woodland Middle School by Ms. Mable Hurtault, a RTI teacher, to discuss Nourish the Need. She provided a prospective about the program that I never considered. Ms. Hurtault, said that our program has reduced the burden of teachers contributing to the nutritional needs of food insecure students (see below).

Ms. Sherman, Professional School Counselor, Bethune Elementary School

Ms. Sherman and Ms. Hurtault describe how our Nourish the Need Food Backpack Program provides hope for the students and teachers. Now, I ask you to provide your feedback on our program by clicking on this link ( and completing the survey. You will assist us in determining if we are meeting our goals of addressing and helping to eliminate food insecurity. Please do not hesitate to give us your honest opinion. If you’d like to share additional information, please send it to me at Just a few moments of your time and sharing your opinion will let us know how we are doing. Thank you for your participation.

Ms. Mable Hurtault, RTI Teacher, Woodland Middle School

“Let’s All Eat Together”

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